Analysis and Hazard Mitigation for Local Governments

You've got your community's back, and I've got Yours!

Your Local Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan is due for an update.   

Did that statement make your blood pressure rise just a little? 
Mitigation planning is about as much fun as troubleshooting a paper jam in your office printer.  
It's frustrating and is taking time away from the pile of work already on your desk.   
You don't have time to learn the details of yet another FEMA requirement.  
You need a simple way to get through all this paperwork! 
Summit Planning can take the pressure and stress out of mitigation planning.  
We'll guide you through the whole process and you can stay focused on your regular tasks.

Why does mitigation matter?

Mitigation is an investment in your community's future sustainability.


I'm Kate and I unabashedly LOVE mitigation planning. Mitigation planning is the perfect intersection of  GIS analysis and emergency management.  I was thrown into the frustrating position as a hazard mitigation planner for Salt Lake County.  I was overwhelmed with the never-ending  to-do list of organizing stakeholders and planning participants, communicating with State and FEMA representatives, engaging the public, and all the steps in assessing the risks and potential impacts of natural hazards! That sentence itself was exhausting. And then my pleas for help were ignored because everyone else was as busy as I was.  Call me crazy but I was determined to make it work.   Having been through all these steps before, I'm eager to make it easier for you.   I am devoted to making sure you feel confident that your agency's needs will be met. I offer a  unique skillset based on experience both in emergency management and in GIS Analysis, and can personally customize your plan to maximize the benefits of both.  Using this analysis, we can collaborate on mitigation strategies that will guide your community to take specific actions that will reduce hazard risk.  


Contact me

Download a Free Guide

Top5 ways to improve your mitigation strategies.

Watch a Replay of Webinar

How to get all the moving parts in the city offices to help you get the plan done without anyone having a panic attack.

Let's get you the one-on-one help you need!

Schedule a private consult here.  This could be the beginning of a successful plan!  

Schedule a Free Personalized Consult

Our plan was approved by the state and FEMA.  It's also guiding me as I try to prioritize my other work in emergency planning now that I better understand our community risks. Using the documentation from our mitigation plan, we have submitted a grant request to receive funding for one of our most needed projects.  Our community center is old and needs retrofitting. A grant would allow us to make updates that will make the center nicer and more up-to-date as a community gathering place, but also safer.  
I am a town hero!

Schedule a Call

Is summit planning the right Solution for you?

Our ideal community clients meet the following criteria:

You're a great fit? Great! Let's get started!

We'll schedule a free consultation to assess your community mitigation planning needs

I'll travel to your city and meet with you and your local team to conduct a thorough study that will give me all of the information I need to thoroughly understand your community.

I'll give you an expected turnaround timeline. Typically 12-18 months depending on the size of your community.  

We'll meet monthly or as needed as we work through the following steps of the planning process. 

Organize the Planning Team |Create a public outreach plan
Assess Risks | Develop mitigation strategies
Review and adopt plan.  

You'll confidently present the plan to your local council meeting for their adoption signatures.

Don't Hesitate!

What does this cost?

The fact is, mitigation planning is going to cost money. Whether it is significant time from you or one of your already busy employees, or by hiring additional help.  But I am confident you will feel Summit Planning is an affordable option and that your money is the best you ever spent.   Also, did you know there are grants available to cover mitigation planning costs? Want to hear more good news?  Every dollar invested toward hazard mitigation can save up to $4-13 in post-disasterlosses.*  That's a great cost-to-benefit metric to get your county council, CFO and other budget-conscious staff onboard! Since the planning scope varies a lot depending on the size of your community, we'll discuss specific costs in our consultation meeting.  Don't let the vagueness scare you off, I am flexible based on the different needs and policies of my clients.  


Why hire Summit Planning?

Sure, there are other agencies that will write a mitigation plan for you.  Some have emergency management backgrounds.  Some have GIS, engineering, or other planning backgrounds.  But few have a strong background in both! At Summit Planning, our focus is specifically on mitigation planning and that focus will help ensure we give you the best result.   I have over 10 years of GIS experience and 8 in emergency management.  

Only I know my city- How do I know this plan is truly customized?

Summit Planning doesn't take a one-size-fits-all approach.  Mitigation plans must be customized to your community to be effective, and collaboration with you throughout the planning process is key.  You have the pulse of the community you work for.  You are familiar with the areas that have been impacted by disasters before and are likely to be impacted again.  You also know which co-workers you need to have as part of your planning team.  That is why I commit to communicating with you regularly to make certain that your plan reflects your knowledge of the community.  I'm there to consolidate and organize the data about your community, and use it to help guide you to taking meaningful action to minimize risks.  



Summit Planning is focused on achieving your planning goals (on time!) by taking ownership and responsibility for our work.


Lets team-up to achieve a common purpose:  more disaster resilient communities.  We achieve the best planning outcomes when we rely on your detailed knowledge about your community  to produce a mitigation plan that will truly reflect your local needs and goals.  


We are dedicated to improving community resilience through mitigation.  We seek to build trust and confidence with our clients through each step of the planning process.  


Rest assured that at Summit Planning we have the knowledge and experience to construct a comprehensive mitigation plan that will guide you into meaningful action to make your community safer.


At Summit Planning, we take pride in our work and expect to provide each client with an exceptional collaborative experience that culminates in a rock-solid mitigation plan.

You've got your City's back, and I've got Yours!

I make mitigation planning painless from start to finish.